Gift Guide Series: All About Survivalist

What a heck of a year it has been! Were you prepared in any way? Grocery shelves empty, people running around, items being fought over. Living in a state that has many earthquakes I can, without a doubt, say I am prepared for quite a few things to happen. Whether you live somewhere that something catastrophic could happen or you just want to be prepared, this gift guide is a start!

On the tenth day of the Gift Guide Series, I just touch on the tip of the iceberg when it comes to survival gear. An important question to keep in mind-is it easy to transport? The last thing you want to do is buy so much that if you ever had to leave the area you live in you couldn't take it with you. Weight is an issue. Quality is important. I've picked a few of my favorite items and listed them below. If you don't want to be caught in a terrible situation, start a survival backpack and keep it where it will be easily accessible.

Don't forget to check out the other categories that have been featured!

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I'm curious, are you prepared? If you're interested in a full list of what I have in my survival bag, comment down below!

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