The Most Important Fifth Sense

Ahh, the five senses we are blessed to have: touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Each of these sensing organs has a role to play. They not only heighten our ability to enjoy life but they send the information to the brain to help us understand and distinguish the world around us. I want to focus on the most important of the five senses. Can you guess what it is? It’s smell! Think back to your childhood for a moment. Close your eyes and picture mom cooking your favorite dinner in the kitchen. Is your mouth starting to water? Are you getting hungry? Are you picking up your phone to call home and ask mom if this weekend you can swing by for dinner? It’s incredible the information we retain from the molecules we once inhaled. Of course, not all substances are as delicious as your favorite meal. The world has its share of some pretty “icky” fragrances too. Dirty laundry, kitchen trash can, that musty coat from winter storage. You get the idea. Whether it’s a lingering...