Can't Sleep?

It’s that time! You just finished your nightly routine and you’re undressing your bed. It’s been a long day and you can’t wait for it to be finally over. All you can think about is how good the cool sheets will feel after a hot summer's day. The lights dim down as they shut off like they too are saying goodnight. One last sip of cold water before you crawl in. The softness of your pillow as you lay your head and it sinks in. You let out one last yawn and shift around to get settled. Everything is perfect. Tonight is the night you will sleep soundly. *ding* Notification! You choose to ignore it. Your eyes still shut, you take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Wait, did I set my alarm? You turn and reach over to grab your phone just to make sure. The brightness of the screen awakens you again. Yes. All set! You shut it off and get comfortable again. You try to clear your mind in hopes to drift off sooner. Then another thought pops up. Did I turn up the volume or is my pho...